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The Top 5 Methods for Cleaning Solar Panels

Once they are set up, solar photovoltaic (PV) panels don't need much maintenance and are made to last for 25 to 30 years. But keeping them clean
with the help of a leading
solar cleaning company is still important if you want to keep getting the most power out of them.  

When dust and dirt build-up on solar panels, they can lose up to 7 percent of their energy every year in some parts of the US and as much as 50 percent in the Middle East. So, what should be done for cleaning solar panels in California to get rid of the dirt?  

Let's look at the best ways to keep PV panels clean and a few things that affect cleaning and maintaining solar panels.  

1. Cleaning Solar Panels  

There are many ways for solar power cleaning in Chino and other locations, from washing them by hand to using technologies that do everything for you.  

Some of the dirt that builds up on panels over time can be washed away by rainwater. However, rainwater can also cause dirt to build up at the bottom of the panels, and this is insufficient to remove heavy pollution.  

  1. 2. Robotics  

Robotics technology is letting companies like Washpanel in Italy make fully and partially automatic robots that are designed to clean solar panels. It sells small, semi-automatic robots that can be moved around and used to put solar panels on carports, greenhouses, shed roofs, and other places. And it has fixed roof robots for large installations that need to be cleaned regularly in dusty places.  

Ecoppia uses solar-powered, self-driving robots in the Middle East to clean PV panels every night. They use soft microfiber and airflow instead of water since high-pressure washing can damage the panels. The robots also clean the solar panels on board and quickly charge their batteries when they are not in use.  

  1. 3. Sponge and Brush Sets Without Soap  

US-based solar maintenance companies like Bland Company and Premier Solar Cleaning have found that using deionized water and a rolling or vehicle-mounted brush, they can clean solar panels without using soap. Soap leaves a residue that not only blocks the sun but also attracts dirt.  

Polywater, a company that makes lubricants, makes a Solar Panel Wash that helps water get rid of dirt without leaving a film behind. SunSystem Technology gets rid of dirt by mixing vinegar that has been watered down and hydrogen peroxide.  

Without hiring professional solar cleaning services, homeowners can clean their solar panels without cleaning products by hand with a garden hose and a soft sponge.  

  1. 4. Lack of Water Vibration  

Scientists at Heriot-Watt University in Scotland and in a NASA-funded project in the US have found ways to make solar panels shake to get rid of the dust on the surface. Heriot-solution Watt's is to put a direct-current (DC) motor on the back of a panel that can be tuned to make vertical vibrations. 

  1. 5. Coatings with Nanoparticles  

Scientists at India's Department of Science and Technology's International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI) have come up with a coating for solar panels that will keep dirt from building up in dirty places. High temperatures, high humidity, and high pollution all make it hard for PV panels to work well in India.  

The nanoparticle-based technology repels dust, making it easy to wash off with water. The coating is also very clear, so it doesn't reduce the efficiency of the panels. Marichin Technologies in India makes the coating for use in business.  

  1. 6. Cleaning up by Hand  

Cleaning the PV panels by hand is an old-fashioned way to do it. Robots, vibration without water, or special coatings are all creative and effective ways to solve a problem. However, there are many situations in which these kinds of solutions can be very expensive and not very effective. This is especially true for small installations in homes or businesses, as well as for structures and installations that are unique, like agrivoltaics. When cleaning solar panels, some tools will help a lot in getting the job done right. On the one hand, there are a lot of special brushes that move around and brush the dirt off the panel. Also, any simple tool for cleaning, like the ones used to clean car windshields, could help.  

On the other hand, we could do the job much faster and save a lot of water if we used water-pressure machines like the Karcher High-Pressure Washer. 


If you don’t feel confident enough to do the task in the DIY method, then it is better to hire solar panel cleaning services in California. 


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