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Worldwide, solar panels have acquired immense popularity, and the benefits associated with placing solar panels on residential rooftops are phenomenal. However, a critical issue may not be mentioned at all by your solar panel installer. Pigeons can inflict severe damage to your panels if you haven’t invested in bird-proofing solar panels. That is why, in this article, we’ve formulated a list of solar panel proofing tips for safeguarding your precious asset. 

  1. Maintain the Neatness and Cleanliness of Everything 

Often, the tropical climate in the US implies that it is a major challenge to maintain the cleanliness of solar panels. The accumulation of any dirt or debris is extremely challenging to get rid of without any rainfall or human intervention. Moreover, pigeons are infamous for building nests under residential solar panels, by piling up nesting material and droppings during the process. Over time, the pile of dirt and material from the birds will ultimately make your solar panels less efficient. It will cause a substantial drop in energy obtained from solar panels. Accordingly, to protect your solar panels from pigeons, you have to ensure that you get the panels cleaned annually by professional service providers who are occupied in solar panel cleaning services in California. Else, you may yourself perform it as well. But it might backfire. 

  1. Fake Birds of Prey 

A very weird method to secure residential solar panels from pigeons is to install falcons and false birds of prey. This innovative method to frighten all pest birds is incredible. It’s a compassionate and cost-effective approach too. The installation of this reasonably priced, bird deterrent can be an effective method to keep birds like pigeons at bay from nesting under your solar panels. This kind of protection method should exclusively be applied before any bird nests under solar panels. However, if pigeons are already present there, then the false predator birds will be of least utility. Fake birds of prey are very easy to be installed and don’t require any power from either batteries or electricity. It could be an extremely productive method to intimidate a small number of pigeons. 

  1. Fixing Mesh 

A very popular way to shield solar panels is to install mesh around the sides of the residential panels. This procedure is effective enough to prevent pigeons from infiltrating into the area, as it will be blocked off with mesh.  It is a novel method that is developed to keep all pigeons away from your residential solar panels. The process is easy to install and can be removed for solar bird proofing services. 

  1. Use Spikes 

Spikes are relatively a new product; and a sympathetic way to secure your residential solar panel from pigeons, causing no pain to the birds. Instead, they act as a wall in preventing pigeons and other birds from intruding into the area and nesting under the panels. Bird spikes are a state-of-the-art method to prevent pigeons. The base is prepared to perform at the maximum temperatures and winds. It hardly matters how your environment and location are like. Spikes must be your first preference. You may put your money in high-quality spikes that won’t rust or change colour over the years.  

  1. Solar Panel Servicing 

Last but not least, the most efficient way to prevent pigeons is regular servicing of your solar panels, including solar panel cleaning. This method is easy for you to perform yourself with adequate protective equipment. However, it is suggested that you hire a professional cleaning team to do the job done safely with utmost proficiency. You may purchase a solar panel servicing kit, available with biodegradable soap, a brush, and a cleaner. Blend the soap into a bucket of water. Finally, you need to gently start wiping the solar panels, eradicating any grime or dirt that is beginning to accumulate. For the sake of your safety, never climb up onto the roof. Instead, you may use a long pole to clean the panels as this will allow you to remain grounded. When you keep on top of your cleaning, it could be possible to apply a hosepipe for removing any accumulation of dirt, which means that in the long run, you need to make fewer calls to the solar panel maintenance team. Always refrain from using any rough materials while cleaning your residential panels.  


The bottom line is that residential solar panels are an ideal nesting place for pigeons and other birds. The warmth of the shelter that is available from the solar panels means that they can allure pigeons. The accumulation of debris from the birds can cause irreparable damage to your solar panel and can minimize their efficiency. That is why you need to adhere to the five tips mentioned above to prevent pigeons from damaging your residential solar panels. Else, you may seek services from professionals occupied in cleaning solar panels in California


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