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Top 5 Solar Bird Proofing Tips and Tricks


We all know that it is the habit of birds to poop. It may not seem to be a big deal in our daily life but can damage your solar panels. While a passing bird or two won’t damage your PV system in the long run, those residing under solar panels can and will. 


That is why it’s important to keep birds out of your home solar system housing and ensure they make their nests elsewhere. Solar panels form a nice shady spot that’s protected from the elements and provides easy rafters and backings for birds to build their nests in. They love PV systems very much. That’s the reason why bird proofing solar panels are growing in demand. 

If you’re facing challenges with birds dwelling in your solar panels, or you want to avoid it in future, here are a few solar bird proofing tips advised by a solar cleaning company that you may consider. 


1. Set up Bird Mesh 


Bird mesh is one of the most effective bird-proofing options for residential solar systems. Created to seal the area under your solar panels, bird mesh clips directly to the panels and runs around the edges of the entire area. 

Despite its inability to technically cover up your panels from the house, air can still move through to make it difficult for birds to build nests below the panels. If you’re require a more cost-effective option, bird netting will accomplish the same task, with slightly less resistance to the elements. 

Bird nets are low-profile, stunning, and low-impact for both your panels and roofs. 


2. Set up Roof Spikes 


Spikes aren’t the most recommended option to keep birds at bay, but they often work wonders. By making it uncomfortable to roost on or around your solar panels, spikes prevent birds from staying around long enough to make a nest or a big mess. 

Though they may not be very useful on their own, they can be complemented with roof netting or an identical set of tactics to maintain roofs net-free and solar panels clean. 


3. Invest in Fake Predators 


Plastic birds of prey may seem to be outdated, but they get the job done. If you invest in a fake owl with a head that swivels in the breeze, it can move easily and regularly enough to scare birds away. They’re a perfect bird guard for solar panels. 

There are also high-tech, automated birds of prey you can fix on your roof that will scare away the birds and other birds away in the near future. Do not ignore bird netting and other tactics to ensure a comprehensive and effective approach. 


4. Frequently Clean Your Yard and Garden 


Birds need something to eat, and making the space around your home uninhabitable for them will discourage them to build their nest there. Clean your yard and garden frequently to ensure there are no food sources around your house. 

This is particularly important to think about if you have a flat roof, as that becomes a virtual bird mecca. If there are trash cans around your house, store the rubbishes under a lid or in tightly sealed plastic bags. Also, clean up pet food around the house and store anything birds might wish to eat in bins with fitted lids. 


5. Maintain Your Home Solar Panels Properly 


Commercial solar cleaning is extremely crucial, and keeping your PV array in proper working order will make it that much less vulnerable to bird nests and droppings. Cleaning your panels regularly, repairing any cracks or mounting issues, and getting them professionally serviced are all important to ensure long-term functionality. 

The best way to prevent birds from resting under your solar panels has to be bird proofing. You need to ensure that it is done in such a way that your bird proofing solar panels remain unaffected every time. 


However, there are certain procedures for the same. By adopting a solar panel cleaning and bird proofing method judiciously you can compel them to go elsewhere.  

So, it can be concluded that bird proofing your solar panels is a crucial step to keep them clean and safe for years to come. Follow the tips mentioned above and get in touch with a recognized solar power cleaning company in California to keep them in great working order. 


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